
Franchise Law and Business Transactions


STANLEY DUB has practiced law since 1975 as in-house attorney for major NYSE-traded corporations, and in private practice with medium to large law firms. In 2006 he opened his own law practice in suburban Cleveland.

A member of the American Bar Association’s Forum on Franchising since 1990, Mr. Dub represents Franchisors and Franchisees in all 50 states. He is frequently engaged to consult or testify as an expert on Franchise Law. Since 2016, he has been Adjunct Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University Law School, teaching Franchise Law.

Mr. Dub played a leading role in passage of the 2012 amendments to Ohio’s Business Opportunity Act, the state’s only law relating to franchising. He was pivotal in forming the Ohio Bar Association Committee that worked on the amendments. He then wrote the first draft of the proposed amendments, served on the Committee that wrote the version submitted to the legislature, and testified on the Bill in the Ohio House of Representatives.

Mr. Dub has prepared and registered franchise disclosure documents for new franchisors, reviewed dozens of franchise packages for individuals considering purchase of a franchise, and represented franchisors, franchisees and motor vehicle dealers in disputes relating to their franchise relationship. He successfully represented franchisees seeking to exit their franchise systems, be released from their non-compete obligations, or recover damages from the franchisor for disclosure violations. On other occasions, he helped franchisees resist termination by their franchisors.

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